PreGnant & Postnatal

Did you know that you will have fewer physical complaints and a faster recovery after birth if you have good physical health? Our Pregnant & Postnatal workouts help you with this and are suitable for all women, regardless of your sports background or physical health. These classes are 100% save and tailored to your individual level!


The workouts are tailored to your pregnant and post delivery body and have been developed in cooperation with gynaecologists and pelvic floor specialists. 6 weeks after giving birth you can start working out again (8 weeks after C-section). You will always train under the guidance of a professional trainer so that you can work on improving your physical fitness and strength in a responsible way.

  • Personal attention from professional trainers with knowledge of the pregnant and postpartum body.

  • A combination of strength training, cardio and relaxation.

  • Outdoor workouts, year-round in the fresh air.

  • Specific attention on the recovery of your pelvic floor muscles after giving birth.

  • A positive and active approach to your pregnancy.

  • The opportunity to share experiences with inspiring pregnant women and new moms.

  • A relaxing moment for yourself.


  • You will feel physically and mentally strong.

  • With a physically strong body, you will prevent physical complaints.

  • A trained body will help you during the delivery and to achieve a speedy recovery.

  • You will manage to hold on to your sports routine throughout your pregnancy! And pick up quickly after giving birth.

  • Inspiration and tips from other active pregnant women and new moms.